We all need a friend we can talk to about anything. But it’s not always easy to find people who are willing to open up about pretty much anything. Allow me to be that friend. This is a podcast where no topic is off-limits, and we swap judgment for aiming to understand and relate to each other. Let’s just talk about life--the messy parts, and the pretty parts, and the in-between. We’ll talk self-love, mental health, relationships, body image, and so much more! Have a topic you wanna bring on? Pitch your idea to me over on Instagram @laurenmkendrick.

Monday Nov 04, 2019
Ep. 59: 6 Steps to Confidence MINISODE
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Ever wish you could get a quick dose of inspiration on Monday morning to carry you through the week??
You're in luck, my friend!
This week I'm trying something new. I know a lot of my wonderful listeners are very busy, and are juggling many moving parts! If that's you too, you'll love this episode. 10 minutes, 6 quick steps to having more confidence.
If you love it, and decide you wanna dive even deeper into this process of growing your confidence, then snag a copy of my free audio training: 6 Steps to Confidence Audio Training. Click here for access!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Ep. 58: 3 Ways Perfectionism Holds me Back
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Last Monday I was driving home from a trip to California, feeling fine. Nothing was wrong. And then...all of a sudden, by Tuesday afternoon I was completely burnt out. So I spent the rest of the week barely being able to move. Not wanting to run at all. Accidentally taking almost a 3 hour nap, when I had only planned to rest for 30 minutes.
I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was going on...so I took some time to reflect on it. And I realized that for the past few weeks I had fallen back into a trap of perfectionism. It was showing up in a new way for me, a more evolved way than before.
It caused me to ultimately burn out because I was just pushing, pushing, pushing. And I was feeling guilty for resting. So I wasn't really giving myself time to recharge.
One of the biggest indicators of my perfectionist tendencies is when I burnout. To be honest, I have to listen to my own podcast often to remind myself to give myself more grace, and show up with more self-compassion.
Do you ever just feel like there's something broken in you? Like you're the only one who needs downtime? Or like...you feel like everyone around you just has it all together, and you're somehow failing? Because it's so easy for me to slip into a comparison mindset. Which then makes me feel like I'm "behind"...and that's usually when my perfectionist tendencies show up the most.
In this episode I'm sharing with you a few of the ways that perfection has held me back over the years (and showed up in the sneakiest of ways)...plus I'm sharing how I've been able to make the mindset shifts necessary to re-center and connect with myself.
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Ep. 57: 4 Life Lessons I've Learned while Training for a Half Marathon
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
When I finally signed up for my first half marathon for November of this year (it's been on my bucket list for like 6 years) I truly didn’t know what I was getting myself into.
Years ago, throughout my days in the military I had developed a love for running. I even dare to say it came easily to me then. I guess when you're 20 years old without creaky bones, it's a lot easier to be active.
Needless to say...this training has been one of the biggest challenges I've faced in a LONG time. But I'm so grateful for all of it, and I feel like in just the past few months I've transformed tremendously.
Dive into this episode if you want to hear some of the most important life lessons I've learned throughout my training (yes, they'll apply to you too!)
Happy training ;)
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Monday Oct 21, 2019
Ep. 56: How I Handle Difficult Feedback
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
This past weekend, I couldn't sleep. So I made the mistake of opening up my phone at 1am and reading through some of my DM's on Instagram.
One DM in particular stopped me in my tracks. I had to read it multiple times to comprehend what this person was telling me. My immediate reaction was that...I should go on the defense, right??
Is this person insulting me as a business owner, and maybe even a friend? But I took some deep breaths, read through it a few times. I practiced empathizing with this person, and really taking in what she had to say. Because it was obviously important for her to let it out. And it was equally important for me to listen.
I asked for some clarification from her (which I still haven't gotten up to this point, and that's okay!! I'm not always capable of making everyone happy)...but I took some time to reflect on what it meant for me.
This episode is completely unscripted, and honestly when I recorded it I was still experiencing some raw emotions. It was the same day after I received the message.
The reason I'm sharing it with you is because I know you desire playing "bigger"...and that means being more visible. And visibility makes you more susceptible to feedback. Positive, and...dun dun dun...negative feedback too.
Criticism used to terrify me...and still kinda does if I'm being 100% real. But I'm taking you on this journey with me, as I processed what was said, so you can see that negative feedback is not a sign to quit. In fact, it usually means you're getting closer to clarity!
If you're curious about the details of this story & wanna hear more about how I personally handle difficult feedback...come listen in!
Can't wait to hear your thoughts :) You're always welcome to reach out to me on Instagram @laurenmkepler. That's where I'm most active. I accept any and all feedback :p
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Ep. 55: Are you capable of loving your body?
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Okay, okay...so I know that the idea of "loving your body" might seem a little farfetched right now. But hear me out! What if you just started with being able to look in the mirror and say "meh" instead of "blegh".
That's a start, right??
A few years ago, I was on the phone with my sister and she was telling me how much she’s struggling with her body image after having a second child. It was heart wrenching to hear her struggles, and I wanted to help. So when I got off the phone with her, I jumped onto my computer and created a guide for her. I named it the “Body Love Guide”. I realized how amazing and helpful it was, so I repurposed it and decided to give it away for free, to anyone who struggles to love or even accept their own body. And on today’s episode of the podcast I’m gonna take you through some of the most powerful exercises I share in the guide. And at the end of the episode, you can grab yourself a copy of it by clicking the link below!
Link to your body love guide: Click here!
So my challenge for you this week is to try one, or both of these exercises shared in the episode, and let me know what you think! You can write me on IG or even share your experience in your stories or on your feed and tag me in it! I’m @laurenmkepler.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of the All or Something Living Podcast. And I can’t wait to talk to you again! But until then...remember that you are enough, and you are doing enough.
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
4 Simple Strategies for Feeling Amazing RIGHT NOW
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Not feeling your best? Maybe you're feeling OK, but you know there's another level...and you want access! Or maybe you just feel crappy...and you want to feel better...but you don't know where to start. Most of us start with a weight loss goal, and end with another "diet failure" under our belt. Well, my friend, I want more for you!
So my goal with this episode is to give you 4 simple strategies for feeling better, happier, and more confident RIGHT NOW, regardless of whether or not you lose weight along the way. I want you to see that simple shifts in mindset and habits can make a major impact on your life...in SO many ways.
And if you love what you learn here, then you'll really love my online course Vibrancy on Demand. In the course, we dive even deeper into, and most importantly take action on the activities and tools that will make you feel your very best as often as possible!
I also promised you a free guided meditation by yours truly, and you can snag that by clicking here.
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Ep. 53: How to Handle Overwhelm
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Have you ever been overwhelmed?? I'm willing to be your answer is a big fat "yes".
My belief is that overwhelm comes less from a large to-do list, and more from a lack of self-care and "balance".
In this episode I share a story of a recent time I was overwhelmed, and how I was able to reflect and course-correct before things got out of hand!
It's all about "energy management" versus "time management" which is something I cover in detail in my online course, Vibrancy on Demand. Click here for details to join!
Here's my question for you this week: What makes you feel overwhelmed, and how do you help yourself through it? Let me know by tagging me on your IG story or post, or DM me! I'm @laurenmkepler.
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Ep. 52: The Agreement I Made with Myself that Changed Everything
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Have you ever showed up and gave it your all in a friendship, or even an interaction with someone...and they criticized you in some way?
It can be painful to hear the harsh judgments and criticisms others make about you, but it can also be enlightening.
In this episode I share a story of a friendship gone sour, and the feelings I had when the truth came out about how this person felt about me.
It reminded me of an agreement I had made with myself earlier in the summer that literally transformed the way I was showing up in my life (for the better).
I'm sharing it all with you in today's episode! The drama, the pain, and the lessons...I get real with it all.
Here's my question for you this week: What's one agreement you need to make with yourself right now?? Tag me in your Instagram stories or post, or DM me! I'm @laurenmkepler
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Ep. 51: How to Stay Open After a Heartbreak
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
In this episode I’ll be focusing on the heartbreak we experience from a broken relationship.
Heartbreak isn’t something we can run from. Yes, we can try and bury it. But eventually it’ll make its way up to the surface in some form or another.
And if you don’t address, and heal from your heartbreak, it’ll continue to haunt you. What I mean by this, is that in future relationships you’ll struggle to communicate your fears that you’ve buried around trust, vulnerability, your lost faith in love, or whatever it is.
And if you continue down this path, of moving into the next relationship before the trauma of the last one has been healed, then maybe this next one will end too. And you’ll be left wondering what’s wrong with you. Or maybe thinking that you’re just not cut out for love.
Keeping your heart open after a heartbreak is no easy task, but in this episode I discuss how you can get to the other side in one piece.
And if you're interested in joining the free 10 Day Self-Love Challenge, click here for access to that!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Ep. 50: Why you Need to Love Yourself Before Anything Else
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Is this "self-love" stuff a bunch of bogus?? Are we selfish for focusing on loving ourselves and caring for ourselves first before anyone else?
The truth is...without self-love, you can't live a truly fulfilled, purpose driven life. Don't believe me? Listen to this episode to get my take on why self-love is crucial, plus I share some tips on how you can learn to love and accept yourself.
Here's a link to the free 10 Day Self-Love Challenge mentioned in the episode: Click here to get access!
My question for you this week is this: What’s one thing that you believe holds you back from loving yourself? How can you move past this barrier and take the first step? Let me know by tagging me on instagram @laurenmkepler, on your post or your stories, or you can just message me directly if it’s personal. I love to hear from you!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5