We all need a friend we can talk to about anything. But it’s not always easy to find people who are willing to open up about pretty much anything. Allow me to be that friend. This is a podcast where no topic is off-limits, and we swap judgment for aiming to understand and relate to each other. Let’s just talk about life--the messy parts, and the pretty parts, and the in-between. We’ll talk self-love, mental health, relationships, body image, and so much more! Have a topic you wanna bring on? Pitch your idea to me over on Instagram @laurenmkendrick.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Ep. 29: How to Transform your Life in 30 Days: Part 2
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
I'm so excited to begin my first 3 part series on this podcast!
For the next 3 weeks, I'll be implementing some of the most powerful coaching tools I use in life, and in business. You definitely won't want to miss this series! Especially if you've wanted a sample of what being coached is all about, or if you can't afford to pay a coach at the moment.
How are your goals and habits from last week coming along? If you haven’t already listened to last week’s episode, you'll want to start there. Otherwise, you won’t get the full benefit of the 30 day transformation :)
In part 2, we'll talk about some really important mindset shifts you’ll need to make in order to be successful with this 30 day challenge, and with everything else you do in life!
Here are some links mentioned in the episode:
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Ep. 28: How to Transform your Life in 30 Days: Part 1
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
I'm so excited to begin my first 3 part series on this podcast!
For the next 3 weeks, I'll be implementing some of the most powerful coaching tools I use in life, and in business. You definitely won't want to miss this series! Especially if you've wanted a sample of what being coached is all about, or if you can't afford to pay a coach at the moment.
In the first part I take you through some impactful, yet simple exercises that will help you to breakdown what habits will be most life-changing for you right now, and how to implement them in a way that actually sticks.
Here are a few links mentioned in the episode. Keep in mind that for some of these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you:
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (health coaching school)
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Ep. 27: How to Come back from a Setback
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Maybe right now you feel like small setbacks leave you feeling stuck for a long time. Maybe you’re afraid to even go for certain goals because you’re afraid of what failure might do to you. And maybe that’s why you feel like you’re not really making progress in life.
Maybe you just feel like a failure in general, but you don’t know how to make progress in becoming the person you want to be.
Here’s one of my favorite quotes about failure, and I’m sure you’ve heard it before…”the comeback is always stronger than the setback”...but that’s only if you allow it to be!
Which is why, in this podcast episode I’m going to equip you with the tools that will allow you to consistently make progress in your life...even if you fail 1,000 times along the way.
Before you go, don't forget to join the Self-Love Challenge if you haven't already!
Dive right in, and enjoy :)
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Ep. 26: 3 Ways to Boost your Confidence and Have a Powerful Presence
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Maybe you struggle with confidence. You might have grown up in an environment where people told you that you weren’t good enough, and that’s followed you into your adult life. Confidence is something everyone deserves to have, and I guarantee that you’re worthy...your mind just hasn’t caught up to that realization yet.
What I'm offering you in this episode aren’t a bunch of quick fixes like you might see elsewhere--these tips take work, but they’ll give you a genuine, lasting confidence.
Listen now, and be sure to grab the Confidence Boosting Worksheet that goes along with this episode!
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook (where I'm most active): https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Ep. 24: The 10 Most Important Lessons I've Learned in 29 Years of Life
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
On March 15th, I'll be celebrating my 29th birthday!
If you're in, or past your mid-twenties, then you might understand that the twenties feel almost like a second adolescence. These times are challenging, but fun!
As I move into the last year in my twenties, I want to celebrate by sharing with you the top 10 lessons I've learned so far. I'll talk about things like what I wish I realized about my parents a long time ago, how I've learned to handle failure, my thoughts on relationships, how I learned to protect my energy, and much more!
Dive right in and listen! And before you go, don't forget to check out the Self-Care Builder Course.
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Ep. 23: 3 Unconventional Ways to Build Habits that Actually Stick
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
How many times have you told yourself that you were going to start working out, or eating healthy, or finally tackle that cleaning project you’ve been avoiding forever?
How many times have you actually followed through? I imagine the story goes a little something like this...you start to notice that your pants are getting a little tighter. You feel more and more uncomfortable in your body by the day...but you ignore it. You assume that if you ignore it, it will just go away. Until one day, you find yourself screaming at your spouse and kids...and you’re not exactly sure why you’re so upset.
Until you dig a little deeper and realize that you haven’t really been taking care of yourself. And it’s taking a toll on your relationships, and your self-esteem. You decide it’s time to make a change! You make the declaration to start working out 5 days a week, cut out gluten, sugar, carbs, oh and while you’re at it, you might as well start drinking a gallon of water a day.
At first, you’re motivated and excited! You think to yourself, “this time will be different! I’m tired of living this way”. For the first week or two, you’re on it! You sweat your booty off in those hour long gym sessions. You declare on Instagram “I cut out gluten, sugar, and carbs and I’ve never felt more energized!”, you carry your gallon jug around as a badge of honor for your new healthy lifestyle.
But then...the inevitable happens.
Life kicks in. Your kid gets sick. Or you get in a fight with a spouse or friend and it totally throws you off. Suddenly, your new habits are the first thing to go out the window. And your back to square one. Not only are you back to square one, but you’re also pissed at yourself. How could you let this happen again? When will you actually follow through with what you say you’ll do? Why can’t you just get it together?
I hear you, my friend. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in this position. And how many times I felt like I was treading water, and never actually making progress. I thought it was my lack of willpower or motivation that was holding me back. WRONG. So wrong. It was actually the way I was approaching my goals and resolutions that was keeping me stuck. Thankfully, I’ve been through it and come out on the other side (more victoriously than I ever could have imagined, might I add!) and I’m here to help you beat habit building overwhelm so you can actually become the person you know you’re capable of being, and create the life of your dreams.
Wanna know how to become your ideal self, and live the life you dream of?
Listen to the episode & I'll guide you through a few of the most impactful ways you can start to build life changing habits right now.
Don't forget to grab yourself a copy of the Habit Transforming Worksheet! You can get that by clicking here :)
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Ep. 22: How to Crush your Daily to-do List
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Do you lack the energy it takes to get through your days, or weeks? Is it something you feel is holding you back, but you don't know what to do about it?
Don't worry, I've got you! This episode will cover my top 8 tips for generating more energy on a consistent bases. I take a holistic approach to this idea of creating more energy, which means we work from the mindset out!
When I asked my audience what they struggle with the most in terms of health & happiness, many of them said they don’t have enough energy to get through the day...I know how it feels to get those afternoon crashes, or to have a hard time even getting out of bed in the first place. It is one of the most frustrating things. Because let’s face it...if you’re not feeling good or energetic, then you’ll be way less likely to actually do the things you set out to do every day. Then that snowballs into not meeting long-term goals, which leads to beating yourself up, and feeling like crap about yourself. We don’t want that!
In this episode, I’ll share with you my best tips for generating more energy in my life. Using these tips, I’ve been able to not only have enough energy to get through my days, but feeling more energetic makes me feel more vibrant and happy. And that’s the goal for me, happiness!
What's your goal? How would having more energy change your life?
Before you go--don't forget to grab your free checklist to help you implement everything you learn in this episode. You can grab that by clicking right here.
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
You won't want to miss this episode! It's the most educational, impactful episode I've ever done. It definitely takes the cake for one of my favorite episodes, and I know you'll love it too!
If you've ever been on a diet, or worried about your weight, or felt out of control & crazy around food...this episode is for you. I cover:
- The most common unhelpful behaviors most people engage in when it comes to food, and how to turn them into more helpful behaviors
- How to troubleshoot food struggles like sugar cravings and emotional eating
- How to know the difference between dieting and healthy eating, and why the heck it even matters
We'll cover a lot of ground in this episode, so make sure you grab my free All or Something Eating Guide to help you implement everything you've learned! You can get that by clicking right here!
Here are some other links mentioned in the episode (I do get a small commission if you make any purchases, but don't worry-it won't cost you any extra!)
- Episode 20-How to Feel more Comfortable in your Skin
- Body Love Guide
- Intuitive Eating book
- Go with Your Gut book
- Eating for Health Masterclass
- Period/hormone quiz
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Ep. 20: How to Feel More Comfortable in your Skin
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
This week on social media I asked the question "do you feel comfortable in your body?"
I wasn't crazy surprised by the answer--spoiler alert: most people sadly DO NOT feel comfortable in their bodies.
In fact, according to a study found on nationaleatingdisorders.org, 70% of women are unhappy with their bodies, while 43% of men are dissatisfied with their bodies.
Why is this? Most of it has to do with weight and body size. We feel a LOT of pressure to be a certain size in order to feel beautiful. Our society values looks over all, and that can be a really difficult reality to cope with.
This episode is all about exploring the reasons why we feel so uncomfortable in our bodies, and at the end of the episode I'll give you a few actionable tips to help you start feeling more comfortable in your body right now! The good news? You don't have to lose weight in order to feel confident in your body. In fact, the acceptance begins before the weight loss. That's the secret to making long lasting changes in your habits, and it's something that no one is telling you.
And for the women who are interested in the freebie I offer during the episode, here's where you can grab yourself a copy of the Body Love Guide: The Body Love Guide
If you're interested in digging deeper into the statistics I share in the episode, here is the link to that: Eating disorder facts and statistics
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Ep. 19: 5 Reasons why Meal Prep is a Game Changer
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
What comes to mind when you think of meal prep?
Do you envision hundreds of tupperware containers sitting on your counter filled with plain chicken, broccoli, and brown rice? Do you prep in an attempt to coerce yourself to eat healthy throughout the week, but in reality you usually end up wasting most of it?
That's what meal prep used to look like for me. I only knew about meal prep from my body building days, and it usually meant spending 4-5 hours in the kitchen, making food I would dread eating.
All that has changed! And to be honest with you, I took a break from meal prepping for a long time as I healed my relationship to food. It's taken me a while to find a system that works for me, but once I did it was a game changer!
For me, meal prep has to be simple if I'm gonna get it done. It also has to be flexible...I get tired of eating the same thing all week long! Are ya with me??
In this episode, I'll share 5 ways that meal prep has been a game changer in my life. My intention is to talk you into meal prepping too ;) It's one of the key factors for turning healthy eating into a habit, so you can feel your best, and show up for the people you love most as the best version of yourself!
If you already know that meal prep is important, and you want to make it a habit then be sure to join my newsletter by visiting laurenkepler.com and signing up for my 5 Day Meal Prep Challenge! That way you can get updates for my upcoming Meal Prep Maven course.
If you listened to this episode and want to dive deeper into the mindset stuff, click here to sign up for your freebie!
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me: