We all need a friend we can talk to about anything. But it’s not always easy to find people who are willing to open up about pretty much anything. Allow me to be that friend. This is a podcast where no topic is off-limits, and we swap judgment for aiming to understand and relate to each other. Let’s just talk about life--the messy parts, and the pretty parts, and the in-between. We’ll talk self-love, mental health, relationships, body image, and so much more! Have a topic you wanna bring on? Pitch your idea to me over on Instagram @laurenmkendrick.

Friday Nov 05, 2021
Ep. 126: 3 Unique Ways to Build your Self-Worth
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Welcome to another episode of the Body Acceptance Podcast! In this episode, we’ll discuss how the way you view your body impacts your self-worth. Then I’ll share 3 unique ways you can begin to improve your self-worth without having to change your appearance.
By the way, if you haven’t already you can download my free Body Acceptance guide that’ll help you navigate the journey of learning to connect with and treat your body with respect. You can download that by clicking here.
Here’s the mantra mentioned in the episode. Feel free to write it down, put it where you’ll see it, and remind yourself often until it becomes deeply ingrained:
“Even though I don’t like the way I look at the moment, I am still worthy of love and respect. And I can still choose to treat my body and mind with love and respect in this moment”
What was your favorite part of the episode?
If you’re watching on YouTube, feel free to comment below!
Whether you’re listening or watching, you’re more than welcome to come tell me your response on Instagram. I’m @laurenmkendrick and you can either tag me in your story or post, or just message me directly!
I hope you enjoy the episode! If you wanna hear more from me, be sure to subscribe wherever you listen and consider giving me a 5 star review on Itunes so this message can reach more people!

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Ep. 125: Life Update-Where I‘m at with Body Image
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
This year has been a pretty challenging one for me when it comes to body image. There were things that resurfaced after I gained a significant amount of weight in 2020. Things I thought I’d already worked through, but as we know--the work is never done.
I even changed my brand from All or Something Living to Body Acceptance so I could really share and document what my journey has been like. And halfway through the year I wrote a book called Body Acceptance.
So where am I currently at when it comes to body image? What are the things I’ve realized get in the way of feeling good in my body, and what helps me feel more connected and in tune with myself?
I’ll be sharing the answer to those questions, and much more in this week’s episode of the Body Acceptance Podcast!
Links Mentioned in the Episode:

Friday Oct 22, 2021
Ep. 124: 3 Reasons you Binge Eat (And What you Can Do About it)
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Do you ever eat large amounts of food all at once and feel totally out of control while doing it?
Many people come to me sharing their stories around binge eating, eating emotionally, and just feeling overall out of control around food.
Binge eating may not sound like a big deal on the surface, but it can lead to destructive emotions and behaviors, negative health outcomes, and maybe even a full blown eating disorder.
In this episode I share:
- The textbook definition of binge eating
- The difference between binge eating vs. emotional eating (and why it matters)
- 3 potential culprits behind your binges, and what you can do about it
Here are the links mentioned in this episode:
After you listen to the episode, come share the one thing that surprised you the most. You can tag me in your stories, posts, or shoot me a DM on Instagram @laurenmkendrick
Enjoy the episode!

Friday Oct 15, 2021
Ep. 123: Can Body Acceptance and Wellness go Together?
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Can body acceptance and wellness go together?
This week’s episode was inspired by a conversation I had with my friend Kris. When I confided in her that I don’t believe I have a place in the wellness space (even though I’m a Holistic Health Coach by trade), she challenged that belief.
There seems to be two sides when it comes to health: You’re either super body positive, or you're a health freak. But if you know me, then you know I love to live in the gray area.
Come have a chat with me about body acceptance, wellness, and how the two relate. Can they intertwine? Listen to the episode and let me know what you think by sending me a message over on Instagram! I’m @laurenmkendrick.
Wanna learn more about body acceptance? Check out my Body Acceptance Book or grab a copy of my free Body Acceptance Guide.

Friday Oct 08, 2021
Ep. 122: 5 Steps to Navigating Negative Body Talk
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Welcome back! This week I have a quick, 5 step process for you to manage negative body talk (or any sort of negative self-talk.)
I’ve started recording video versions of my podcast episodes for YouTube, so if you prefer to watch, click here and subscribe to my channel! I’ll also be uploading weekly vlogs and occasional styling and singing videos.
How you speak to yourself has a major impact on the way you treat yourself, how you treat others, and how you show up in the world. Which is why it’s so crucial that you learn to challenge intrusive thoughts that don’t serve you.
Here’s a 5 step process that I outlined in my Body Acceptance book to help you get curious about the things you tell yourself, and change the narrative that goes on in your head.
Links mentioned in the episode:

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Ep. 121: The Wonderful World of Food Freedom
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
What is food freedom, anyway? The best definition I was able to find comes from the article linked below. According to the article, food freedom is “eating in alignment with your values without stress, anxiety, guilt, or shame.”
Stress-anxiety-guilt-shame. Do you ever associate those words with food? If so, you’ll definitely benefit from this episode!
It can be challenging to have a healthy relationship with food when you constantly feel like you should be eating something different, or “better for you.”
In this episode, I’ll share 5 ways you can benefit from achieving freedom, followed by 3 simple tips that’ll bring you closer to making peace with food.
If you enjoy the episode, please share it with a friend! I would also be thrilled if you’d leave me a 5-star review on Itunes so more people like your wonderful self can benefit from this message!
If you have any questions or comments about the episode, you can either link up with me on Instagram @laurenmkendrick or sign up for my weekly newsletter by visiting thebodyacceptance.com and grabbing my free Body Acceptance Guide!
Resources & links mentioned in the episode:

Friday Sep 24, 2021
Ep. 120: 3 Myths of Body Acceptance
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
I polled some of you about your preferred episode length, and about half chose between 30-35 minutes, and the other half wanted 15-minute episodes. So I’ll be rotating between quicker, more educational episodes and longer, conversational episodes.
This week is a quick one where we’ll be covering 3 Myths of Body Acceptance. It can feel like there’s a lot of rules around body acceptance and who’s allowed to participate, or what it’s “supposed” to look like so hopefully these myths can help clear up some of the confusion.
In the episode, we discuss things like weight loss--can you desire weight loss and still practice body acceptance? Is the end goal of body acceptance to learn to love how your body looks? Listen to the episode to find out!
I mentioned the book Bare by Susan Hyatt in the episode, with the “loving choices” practice. Click here for the link to her full book.
Anything you’d add to this list of myths?? Come chat with me on Instagram @laurenmkendrick, or join my weekly newsletter by visiting thebodyacceptance.com and signing up for my free Body Acceptance Guide.
To learn more about how you can practice Body Acceptance in a way that feels approachable and realistic, be sure to grab yourself a copy of my Body Acceptance book. It also makes a great gift for any of the women in your life!

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Ep. 119: Recognizing and Navigating Body Dysmorphia
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Welcome back to another episode of the Body Acceptance Podcast! Let's talk body dysmorphia. In this episode I cover how it shows up, why it’s important to notice the ways, and how you can use the information to navigate negative body image moments
Here's a little teaser of some of the ways it shows up that I mention in the episode:
- Body comparison
- Avoiding mirrors
- Not believing compliments
- And more!
Before you listen, I just wanna put out a disclaimer that I am not an expert of body dysmorphia, and I’m only speaking through the lens of my own personal experience. It’s much more complex than I can even cover in one episode, and I highly encourage you to seek professional help if you feel like it’s something you’re struggling to navigate on your own.
Here are my intentions for this episode:
- To help you feel less alone & normalize the struggles that many of us have around body image, but not everyone talks about
- I want you to understand that body image struggles are normal for everyone, especially in our appearance-obsessed culture. But you don’t have to let it hold you back.
This episode was inspired by a post I came across from @bodyimagepositive. Follow them on Instagram for more body image quotes and support.
What was your biggest takeaway from this episode?? Come share it with me on Instagram @laurenmkendrick!
Finally, if you enjoyed the show, I would so appreciate it if you’d leave me a 5 star review on Itunes or share it with a friend. I don’t make money through doing this podcast, so the best way you can give back is by doing those things!

Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Do you ever wish you had a coach in your back pocket? Maybe you can’t always afford to hire a coach, or you don’t have the time, or there’s something very specific and simple you need to work through.
Coaches are powerful and necessary, but not required for every step of the way. In fact, a coach is meant to empower you to find the answers within yourself. Because you already have infinite wisdom within you.
Coaching is necessary for you to learn to build consistent habits, work on mindset shifts, and become a more embodied version of yourself.
In this episode, I walk you through 3 techniques you can use to coach yourself when you don’t have access to a professional.
The first technique is so simple it’s ridiculous, and one you can use daily to stay on track. That way you complete each day feeling like you ran the day, instead of the day running you.
After you listen, come share your favorite technique or “aha moment” with me on Instagram @laurenmkendrick. Not on Insta? That’s okay too! Join my weekly newsletter by clicking here (bonus freebie included!) and you’ll have direct access to me each week. Just reply to any email I send, and we can chat!
To purchase my Body Acceptance Ebook, click here.

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
So you’ve decided to go the body acceptance route, and you’re excited to finally experience freedom within your own body. You’ve accepted the reality that you might gain some weight in the process, and you feel that it’s worth it because of everything you’ll also gain.
But suddenly, it hits you--what if your partner isn’t on board? What if you gain weight and your partner no longer finds you attractive? What if your relationship is going to end when you finally give your body the freedom to be whatever size it’s meant to be?
These are all valid concerns, which is why this is one of the longer Body Acceptance episodes. There’s a lot that factors into weight gain in a relationship, what it means, and how it can impact the relationship.
So let’s dive deep this week as we discuss what to do if you fear your partner will no longer find you attractive after weight gain, and what to do if that actually happens.
Helpful links:
Join my VIP email list by signing up for the free Body Acceptance Guide here.
Come connect with me on Instagram @laurenmkendrick and share your biggest takeaways from the episode. You’re even invited to disagree with me, and come tell me why! I’m here for whatever you need to work through after listening to the episode.