We all need a friend we can talk to about anything. But it’s not always easy to find people who are willing to open up about pretty much anything. Allow me to be that friend. This is a podcast where no topic is off-limits, and we swap judgment for aiming to understand and relate to each other. Let’s just talk about life--the messy parts, and the pretty parts, and the in-between. We’ll talk self-love, mental health, relationships, body image, and so much more! Have a topic you wanna bring on? Pitch your idea to me over on Instagram @laurenmkendrick.

Friday Aug 06, 2021
Ep. 116: How to Show up for yourself Even when you Don't Feel Like it
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
I’m in a funk this week. I’d planned on talking about what to do if you have an unsupportive partner when it comes to weight gain, but I wanted to wait until I could do the topic justice since it’s a heavy one.
So instead, I’m sharing how I handle being in a funk or depression, and what sort of things I tell myself during this time.
I also talk about how I still show up for myself instead of completely going off the grid (like I want to!)
If you struggle with depression, anxiety, PMDD, or anything similar then I’m sure you’ll find this episode useful. It’s a bit of a ramble, but there are good nuggets throughout!
Here's the link to order my Body Acceptance Book!
Come connect with me after the episode on Instagram @laurenmkendrick. Tell me your biggest "aha" moment or takeaway from this episode.

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Ep. 115: Reading my Favorite Chapter from the Body Acceptance Book
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Does body acceptance require you to give up on your health goals? Most people think that choosing to accept the body you’re in means giving up, or becoming complacent. Which really couldn’t be further from the truth--body acceptance was the catalyst for me to give up on unrealistic goals and beliefs so that I could learn to focus on what’s really important.
If you’ve heard about the Body Acceptance book, but you’re unsure if it’s something you really want to invest in, then this is a great episode for you!
In this episode of the Body Acceptance Podcast, I’m reading my favorite chapter from the book. It teaches you all about how you can make sustainable habit changes in your life that don’t feel like torture. It teaches you to incorporate small shifts throughout your day and week that will leave you feeling energized, uplifted, and inspired.
You may not have realized this yet--but your habits drive your moods, productivity, and health. The key to living the life you desire is to build routines that make your days flow with ease.
You’ll learn how to do exactly that and more in chapter 6 of the Body Acceptance book.
Come connect with me on Instagram and tell me your thoughts about this chapter. Did it drive you to purchase the book, or did it leave you wanting more? Let me know by either tagging me in your stories or sending me a message @laurenmkendrick.
And of course, here’s the link to purchase the book: Click here!

Friday Jul 23, 2021
Ep 114: 5 Simple Hacks for Overcoming a Bad Body Image Day
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
I’ll be the first to admit that some days I look in the mirror and think, “heyyyy, girl!” and other days feel more like, “who’s body is this?? Not mine!”
Although I’ve done years of work around self-love and improving my body image, I’m not immune to the struggle. I still have bad body image days just like everyone else. Body acceptance is a lifelong practice. The difference between now and in my past is that I no longer allow those days to hold me back from living my most fully expressed, vibrant life. I can feel crappy about how my body looks and simultaneously remind myself that I’m still a worthy, wonderful goddess.
It’s possible to have insecurities while also remembering that you’re a badass babe. It’s a paradox, but it works.
Over time I’ve learned that every bad body image day requires a different approach. Some days you’ll be able to do some quick, surface-level work to get through it. Other days you may need to dig a little deeper.
Here are the top five ways I conquer the days when I struggle with my appearance. I’ve ordered them from simplest to most complex. If none of them work out, the last resort is to let it go and move on with your day. Tomorrow is a new day!
Links mentioned in the episode:
Be sure to connect with me on Instagram @laurenmkendrick!

Friday Jul 16, 2021
Ep. 113: Was it Wrong for Pinterest to Ban Weight Loss Ads?
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
In this episode, I share my thoughts on Pinterest recently announcing their ban on weight-loss ads. Here are some things I cover:
- The details of the ban, and why they’ve decided to do it
- My initial thoughts, and why I think it’s a huge win for the Body Positive Community
- My opinion on censorship on social media
- Why weight loss ads are harmful in the first place
- Alternative ways to promote and seek out sustainable, positive habit change
Links mentioned in this episode:
The Damaging Health Impact of Weight Loss Advertising Article
Have opinions on the episode or want to share your aha moments? Come connect with me on Instagram @laurenmkendrick.

Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Ep. 112: Empowering your Children to Become Intuitive Eaters
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
If you’ve ever done the work to learn to eat intuitively as an adult, then you know how complex it can be. It’s one thing to trust yourself around the choices you make with food, but what about trusting your children? How can you empower your kids to make their own decisions around food, while also teaching them to be healthy?
That’s what this episode is all about! Dive in to learn how you can trust that your child was born naturally intuitive, guide them into trusting their intuition, and confidently navigate conversations around health and body size.
Read the rest of this entry »

Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Ep.111: Losing your "Hot Status" after Weight Gain
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
This week's episode is real, and raw, and bound to take you on a rollercoaster. It definitely took me on a ride, that's for sure.
I want this episode to feel like a conversation with me, curled up on my cozy couch with your drink of choice. I share unfiltered, not-so-flattering thoughts and beliefs I still have-even after years of work on body image and body acceptance.
I used to get a lot of compliments and comments about my body and how “hot” I was. Now that I’ve gained weight and I’m out of the “desirable” size range for most men--let’s be real--I don’t get a lot of attention at all. In fact, sometimes I feel invisible. And I think that to a certain extent, I used to look for validation based on the comments I got. So even though I’m not getting negative comments about my appearance, the lack of attention speaks volumes. And what is it really saying, if I get to the root of it? That a big part of me still really believes that my worth is determined by my appearance.
I can’t sit here and say “your flaws are loveable” if I’m not showing you my own.
It’s okay to mourn for your smaller body that you may have had in the past. It’s okay to wish you were skinnier so people would notice you more. That’s the result of the conditioning we’ve been given. And because you’re aware of it, you don’t have to let that feeling run your life if it has been up to this point.
Dive into this episode when you're ready, and let's chat some more!
To purchase my Body Acceptance Book, click here.
I'd also love for you to come connect with me on Instagram! I'm @laurenmkendrick. Screenshot the episode to let me know you're listening, so I can give you a shoutout and say hey!

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Ep. 110: The Difference Between Confidence and Self-Acceptance
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Do you ever feel like you’d be more confident if you were skinnier, looked different than you do now, or felt more successful or qualified?
Most of us tend to view confidence as something that appears after some external factor is achieved. We think if we lose weight, then we’ll have the confidence to wear the two-piece. We believe that once we make more money, we’ll have the confidence to show up more fully in our business and lives.
The truth is: Confidence is available to you now. But there’s one thing that may be holding you back from being as confident as you’d like to be.
In this episode, I share the one mindset shift that will improve your confidence on demand. It’s a simple shift that will translate into all other areas of your life, and grant you the permission to become the best version of yourself.
If you prefer to read your content, you can find this episode in blog format by clicking here.
Come chat with me on Instagram @laurenmkendrick! Tag me in your stories to show me you’re listening, and tell me what comes to mind when you hear the words “confidence” and “self-acceptance”.
Lastly, don’t forget that the Body Acceptance book is now available for pre-order exclusively on Amazon Kindle (you can just download the app if you don’t have a Kindle, that’s what I do!) Click here to order.

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Ep. 109: Why you Should be Weary of Online "Health Gurus"
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
I used to believe I was an “expert” in weight loss because I knew how to lose weight successfully. And even though I was unqualified, I offered advice left and right, even when it wasn’t asked for.
Nutrition, weight loss, exercise, and health are all very individualized and nuanced topics. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. If someone offers you a “quick fix” or magic pill solution, that’s a major red flag.
It’s important to recognize that what worked for one person rarely works for the majority. And even though you may be well-meaning, it’s important that you don’t dish out unwarranted advice to friends or even strangers on the internet.
In this episode, I share why dishing out advice can be helpful, and what you can do instead.
Have you grabbed yourself a copy of my Body Acceptance Book? Click here to order!
Other links mentioned in the episode:
The person who inspired this episode--@dietitiananna

Friday Jun 11, 2021
Ep. 108: When Body Image Holds you Back
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
I had a moment in the shower yesterday (a place where some people do their best thinking), and I came to a halting realization...I still allow my body image to hold me back from living life fully.
Which is ironic and borderline hypocritical, because I’m always encouraging my listeners and audience to live life to the fullest--regardless of how they feel about their appearance.
And even though I’ve healed my relationship to my body, and it’s usually not my body that holds me back from living life...I realized the insecurities have been transferred to other aspects of my appearance.
Now that I’m aware that my body image still holds me back, I can identify why I think that is, and how I can move forward...which is what this episode is all about.
Come join me as I talk through my experience with my appearance holding me back, and what I plan on doing about it.
When you finish listening, come connect with me on Instagram @laurenmkendrick and tell me how this episode resonated with you!
Don’t forget that my Body Acceptance book is also available for pre-order, and will be officially released on July 31, 2021. Last week it was a #1 new release in the Amazon category of Eating Disorders & Body Image, so it’s a hot topic! You can grab your copy by clicking here, or searching “Body Acceptance” on Amazon and it’s available in Kindle format only (but remember that you don’t have to have a Kindle to read. You can simply download the Kindle App)
Enjoy, and thanks for listening!

Thursday May 27, 2021
Ep. 107: Healing Generational Body Shame
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
Body image struggles often stem from our family of origin.
For many of us, our mothers or grandmothers played a big part in what we learned about the size of our bodies and how it relates to our worthiness.
I can totally empathize with wanting your kids to grow up learning healthy habits. So how can you teach them to care for their beautiful bodies, without developing an unhealthy relationship to food or exercise?
It begins with you. The best thing you can start with is healing your own relationship to food and your body. Your example matters, so how you choose to nourish yourself and move your body will have a major impact on your family.
Next you can practice setting boundaries with how other family members speak about food and body image around your kids.
The most helpful thing you can do is teach your kids to enjoy (not fear) foods by neutralizing all foods, offering a variety of foods in the household, and explore joyful movement like outdoor activities or dancing.
To hear more about my thoughts on this plus some tips on how to heal generational body shame, dive into the episode now!
Feel free to reach out to me on Instagram @laurenmkepler and let me know what came up for you as you listened to this episode!
And if you want a copy of my free Body Acceptance Meditation, click here! Once you sign up, you’ll be added to my VIP email list where you’ll get exclusive updates & offers.