We all need a friend we can talk to about anything. But it’s not always easy to find people who are willing to open up about pretty much anything. Allow me to be that friend. This is a podcast where no topic is off-limits, and we swap judgment for aiming to understand and relate to each other. Let’s just talk about life--the messy parts, and the pretty parts, and the in-between. We’ll talk self-love, mental health, relationships, body image, and so much more! Have a topic you wanna bring on? Pitch your idea to me over on Instagram @laurenmkendrick.

Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Ep. 98-Keeping an Open Mind & Heart when the World feels Divided
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Now more than ever, it’s important that we learn to think critically and decide where we stand on major issues. But doing so can be really difficult, and in this episode I’ll walk you through the complexities I’ve faced while deciding what I believe and value most.
This is a juicy, raw episode so I highly recommend listening when you’re in somewhat of a good headspace. Here are some of the things I cover:
- How to develop and dig into your beliefs about policies, and people
- How to speak your truth (even when it feels scary)
- How you can release the fear of being different & stand in your power
- Navigating the differences in views from people you really love and respect
- Why it’s important to understand manipulation and dehumanization tactics and learn how to discern between what’s true & what’s not
Buckle up, and enjoy!
If you’re interested in my Vibrancy on Demand online course or have questions, reach out to me on Instagram @laurenmkepler.
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Ep. 97: I'm Writing a Book! Here's the First Chapter
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
I’m writing a book! It’s about the All or Something Living concept. I’m sharing the turning points in my life that led me to becoming a perfectionist (I’m sure you’ll be able to relate to some of my story), plus how the All or Something Lifestyle has helped me overcome striving for perfection in exchange for a more real, authentic life.
In this episode I’ll read the first chapter to you. Here are some of the main points I talk about in chapter 1:
- When and how my 14 year old self decided that her weight determined her worth
- The one secret I held onto with so much shame until I was 25
- What life was like at my thinnest & most fit, and the biggest lesson I learned at that time
- The turning point that led me to give up my “all or nothing” mentality
To hear more of my story, and get weekly updates from me about the podcast, my courses, and much more...visit laurenkepler.com and sign up for the freebie on my home page!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Ep. 96: I Survived COVID! What was it Like?
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Just when I thought this year couldn’t get any crazier or more unpredictable...my fiancé Jason and I ended up getting COVID-19 at the exact same time.
I was someone who was skeptical about things all throughout the year. I questioned whether or not the virus was something we should be concerned about...or if masks are effective...and so on. One thing I have done is kept an open mind, and held space and compassion for everyone’s experience.
I imagined I would eventually get The ‘Rona, but I have to admit that I was a little concerned about how it would turn out. In this episode I share exactly what my experience was like. I also talk about how I feel we’ve treated this pandemic as a country, and my thoughts on the President recently contracting COVID. Enjoy!
To access my FREE audio training on How to Create the Life & Biz of your Dreams, click here.
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Raise your hand if you’re a perfectionist, or recovering perfectionist. *Raising my hand*. At this point I consider myself a recovering perfectionist, because it’s a conscious decision I have to make every single day. In this episode I’ll talk about where my chase for perfection began, and where it led me.
In the episode I also share where our perfectionist tendencies usually stem from (can you guess??), and then how you can recover from perfectionism and actually embrace imperfectionism.
If you feel like you’re not good enough, no matter what you do. Or if it’s hard for you to be consistent, or follow through with promises you make to yourself...you’ll get a lot out of this episode.
After you’ve listened, the next step is to grab my free audio training & roadmap that teaches you the 4 steps you can take to begin designing and building the life and business you’ve always dreamed of, but felt like you had to be “perfect” to make it happen...good news...your process gets to be messy! And despite that, you get to continue taking imperfect action and doing your best to learn and grow from each fumble, barrier, and roadblock that comes your way.
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Do you sometimes feel unworthy or incapable of getting what you truly desire out of life? There are times when I still struggle with feeling “good enough”...which is why it’s so vital that I have practices in place that keep me focused on my big vision.
Learning to match your energy to the vibration you want to attract is key to building the future you’ve always dreamed of. When you put out positive energy and believe in what’s possible, it’s a powerful form of manifestation.
So what exactly is “manifestation” and the “Law of Attraction”? In this episode, I share my experience with both. I also give a very basic overview of how you can use powerful yet simple practices to become a magnet for everything you want.
If you love the episode, and you want more practical tips to help you go even further...be sure to download my free audio training & roadmap for How to Build the Life & Biz of your Dreams!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Your habits create your reality. Everything that you do each day...no matter how seemingly small & insignificant...adds up over time. So while you may not think that meditating for 5 minutes a day, or drinking wine daily, exercising for 30 minutes, etc. makes a huge difference...it can actually make or break your ability to achieve your goals & desires.
That’s why I feel that habit building is one of the foundational pieces to creating a business and life that is fulfilling & joyful.
In this episode I share with you 5 ways you can use your habits to generate more energy, vibrancy, productivity, and success!
I’ve also included a free guide for you to go along with this episode, so click here for access.
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Ep. 92: How to Own your Gifts and Step Into your Power as a Woman & CEO
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
I believe you’re here for a reason. Not just here...listening to my podcast and hearing the message that I’m sharing (although that is an important part of your journey). I believe you have a gift to offer the world.
I also believe that when women step into their power and own their gifts, it’s truly magical. I haven’t always considered myself a “girl’s girl”, but once I was able to heal those sisterhood wounds I had and create lifelong bonds with powerful women...I realized the beauty that results from women uplifting & supporting each other.
That’s why I felt compelled to create this episode on how you can learn to own your gifts and fully step into your power...as a woman, mother, wife, business owner, CEO...all of you is invited into this transformation.
Maybe at this point you’re thinking, “I’m meant for something more...I just don’t know what it is. Or I don’t know how to make it happen”. I’m here for ya! I felt that way for a really long time, and it was only 5 years ago that I realized my purpose.
There’s still time for you, sister! And I’m here to be your guide, if you’ll allow me. Dive in as I share my best advice for becoming your best self.
To grab a copy of your free audio training & roadmap, click here!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Ep. 91: Can you Really Live the Life of your Dreams?
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Entrepreneurship, and especially being an online business owner can get really lonely sometimes. There are so many challenges you face alone, and it may feel like you’re the only one going through it.
When I started my online coaching business, I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew I had a dream, and a vision, and I was ready to take action. In my mind...I would build a business, and sales would come zooming in.
I was SO wrong about the amount of time it would take to build a business. I’m still learning every single day, and honestly...my commitment to growth is what’s kept me going.
Imagine in this episode you’re sitting down with me for a glass of wine, coffee, or tea and picking my brain about the most valuable lessons I’ve learned so far in 5 years of growing a business. I’m getting raw, real, and straightforward here...no fluff.
So if that’s your jam and you’re looking for some guidance or encouragement from someone who’s been in your shoes...grab a glass of wine (or drink of your choice), sit back, and relax.
To grab a copy of your free audio training & roadmap, click here!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5

Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Ep. 90: How to Plan your Days for Success in Business AND Life (Using my 3X3 Method)
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Here are a few things I know about you...I know that you’re ambitious, somewhat of a perfectionist (hopefully a recovering perfectionist), you like structure and you love quality.
But sometimes you overthink, or overanalyze...and it prevents you from taking the action it requires to get closer to living your ideal life, and becoming who you’ve always wanted to be.
The honest truth is...life ebbs and flows. Maybe one week you’ll have tons of energy and motivation, but the next you’ll be exhausted and begging for a break.
If you have goals & dreams...you obviously want to be doing the things that move the needle forward. But if you don’t have the energy or drive to make those things happen, what’s the point?
In this episode I share my strategy for creating an integration of productive and energizing activities each and every day. It’s my 3x3 method for setting each day up for success.
Imagine going to bed each night being able to sleep well, because you know you accomplished what you needed to? That’s what you can have when you listen to this episode and implement the tips & strategies I share.
To get access to your free planner, click here!
To join the Vibrancy on Demand waitlist, email me at laurenkepler@laurenkepler.com, or DM me on IG @laurenmkepler.

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Ep. 89: How to Develop an Abundant Mindset
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Do you ever believe that if you had everything you desire right now, you’d suddenly be happy? What you may not realize is that choosing to feel happy and abundant is available to you, even if your bank account isn’t where you’d like it to be.
When I think of abundance, I imagine myself cozied up in a warm blanket and feeling supported. Your interpretation of abundance may be different from mine. But the key message is to get in the habit of feeling grateful for all you have right now.
If you don’t know how to feel satisfied with the life you have now, you won’t feel any different when you have more. Have you ever noticed how rich people can still feel miserable? It’s because they likely haven’t learned to be thankful and present with what they have. And they end up seeking more, hoping that will bring happiness. But it rarely (if ever) does.
The 3 tips I’ll share with you in this episode will have you feeling grateful, abundant, and content in whatever phase of life you find yourself in.
I’ve also designed this guided meditation you can access here. It combines all of my favorite meditation techniques, and allows you to recharge your energy at any point in the day.
Here’s the link to the All or Something Living Crash Course. Enjoy!
P.S. Have you heard??? I've created a community for us to get together and build supportive connections with each other as we strive to become better each day! Come join us in the All or Something Lifestyle Facebook Group! Click here to join.
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lauren.kepler.5