We all need a friend we can talk to about anything. But it’s not always easy to find people who are willing to open up about pretty much anything. Allow me to be that friend. This is a podcast where no topic is off-limits, and we swap judgment for aiming to understand and relate to each other. Let’s just talk about life--the messy parts, and the pretty parts, and the in-between. We’ll talk self-love, mental health, relationships, body image, and so much more! Have a topic you wanna bring on? Pitch your idea to me over on Instagram @laurenmkendrick.

Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Ep. 8: 5 Valuable Lessons I Learned in the Military
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
This is a special episode in honor of Veteran's Day.
Almost 10 years ago, at the ripe age of 19, I made a courageous decision to join the Air Force.
It was one of the best decisions I've ever made! Joining allowed me to travel Europe for 4 years, and meet my amazing fiance!
Even though I've been out of the military for over 5 years now, it's left a huge impression on my life. I have countless memories, lessons, and crazy experiences that I'll carry through the rest of my days.
In this episode, I walk you through the life of an Air Force lady...from my days in basic training and what that was like, to my job training, along with my travels through Europe and my tour in Iraq.
I'll share the 5 most valuable lessons I learned along the way!
I hope you enjoy this episode, and I can't wait to chat with you next week :)
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Don't forget to grab yourself a copy of my Habit Building Kickstarter Guide!

Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Ep. 7: How to Handle the Times you Feel Annoyed at Everything and Everyone
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Do you ever feel like you don't wanna go out in public, but you have to adult anyway?
I definitely have those weeks where it seems like everything & everyone is getting on my nerves!
You can choose to be as Zen and level-headed as you'd like, but sometimes it just gets to you.
We talk about all of that, and more in this episode!
I'll talk about the number one thing you need to identify in order to survive these times, then I take you through 3 tips for making it through...and possibly even thriving!
As you know with the All or Something mentality...it's okay to have times like these. Not only okay...but it's 100% a normal part of being human.
But the good news is that you don't have to suffer through it.
Check out this episode to find out what I'm talking about!
Listen in, and let me know what you think!
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Don't forget to grab yourself a copy of my Habit Building Kickstarter Guide!

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Ep. 6-What my Eating Disorder has Taught Me
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
This week's topic is a hard one for me to talk about. I feel like every time I share this story, more details come out that I've never talked about before.
If you're in recovery from an eating disorder, or you're emotionally fragile at the moment, this might not be the episode for you. I get seriously raw and honest about my experience growing up and being teased about my size, how it made me feel, and what it led me to do throughout a majority of my live.
As you listen to my story, think about the similarities you experience.
Have you been negatively impacted by diet culture? Do you often beat yourself up, or feel that your body is wrong and you need to change it?
Whatever you're going through with your body, you are not alone!
We need to share our stories in order to heal, and spread awareness that our behaviors around food, and the way we treat our bodies is harmful.
I'm thankful that I experienced these challenges I did, because they taught me a lot! And now I'm able to help spread awareness about how we can treat ourselves better, and experience true health for maybe the first time.
Listen in, and let me know what you think!
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes and Google Play, so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
And if you really love the episode and want to join my community of motivating women, join my Facebook Community called Habit Builder’s Society. All links to keep in touch with me are below!
Habit Builder’s Society all Women’s FB
Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/588076478229727/?ref=bookmarks

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Ep 5. Dealing with your Inner Critic
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
How we speak to ourselves is such an essential part of our happiness and success, yet so many of us don't know how to handle our inner critic!
If you feel bombarded by the mean things your inner voice tells you on a daily basis, this is the episode for you!
We'll explore what the inner critic even is. What it sounds like when your inner critic is speaking versus the more rational voices.
You might think your inner critic is out to get you...but I share some surprising information about the actual role of your inner critic, and what it's trying to do for you.
Then we'll go through ways you can begin to quiet your inner critic, and strengthen your inner cheerleader (and what the heck that even means).
I'll give you some takeaway practices that you can begin using right now!
Dive right in!
If you love it and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! And if you really love the episode and want to join my community of motivating women, join my Facebook Community called Habit Builder’s Society. All links to keep in touch with me are below!
Habit Builder’s Society all Women’s FB
Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/588076478229727/?ref=bookmarks

Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Ep 4. Prepping for the Holiday Season
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Are you getting excited for the holidays?
Pumpkin spice season has begun, the weather is finally cooling off (especially here in Vegas!) and the smells are getting richer!
What does the end of the year mean to you?
To me, it's a time to restore myself in preparation for the upcoming year. It's a time to slow down, enjoy the small things like a walk through my local park in the cool, crisp air, or a warm cup of tea in front of a blazing fire. It's time to reconect with the ones I love. It's just such a comforting time to me!
But sometimes the end of the year can feel a little stressful and chaotic. Maybe your work is starting to pick up the pace in order to meet those fourth quarter goals. Or you're stressed about money from buying Christmas presents. Or you don't feel like there's enough time to accomplish everything you'd like to by the end of the year.
This episode is all about getting you set up and prepped for this time of the year!
We'll talk about both mental and physical prep...ways you can keep your healthy habits going instead of waiting until the first of the year to revamp. How you can recharge throughout those crazy (but fun!) events. How you can ease your transition into the new year feeling already recharged and ready to take on 2019!
To get a copy of your worksheet, follow this link: https://pages.convertkit.com/1d64442666/a33b0b8d54
If you love it and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! And if you really love the episode and want to join my community of motivating women, join my Facebook Community called Habit Builder’s Society. All links to keep in touch with me are below!
Habit Builder’s Society all Women’s FB
Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/588076478229727/?ref=bookmarks

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Ep. 3: My Most Calming Tool
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
There is one tool that always calms me down no matter how I'm feeling. It's a place I can escape in order to find my center, and it's available at all times.
Can you guess what it is?
A lot of people I talk to are intimidated by meditation for a variety of reasons that we'll cover in this episdoe.
Whether you're seasoned or brand new to meditation, this episode offers some great tools, tips, and even reminders you may have forgotten.
We'll cover the common perceptions of meditation and compare them with the realities of an actual meditation practice.
Then we explore meditation for beginners, and tips for if you're looking to advance futher into your practice.
At then end, I guide you through my own personally written meditation!
This episode is super actionable, and really helpful to get you into whatever state of mind you desire in this moment!
Dive right in!
If you love it and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! And if you really love the episode and want to join my community of motivating women, join my Facebook Community called Habit Builder’s Society. All links to keep in touch with me are below!
Habit Builder’s Society all Women’s FB
Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/588076478229727/?ref=bookmarks

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Ep. 2: Managing Anxiety and Depression
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
On the day I recorded this episode, I had my first panic attack in years. At Starbucks. In front of a ton of people.
I realized the way I handled this panic attack was way different than I might have in the past.
In the moment, I knew exactly what I needed, and I went for it.
Unfortunately, there's still a bad stigma in our society around mental health, especially when it comes to asking for help.
I bring up this conversation in hopes that you can learn some tools to help yourself through anxiety, depression, or any other mental illness you may be experiencing. Or you'll know how to help a friend or a loved one going through something similar.
Take a listen, and let me know your thoughts! How do you deal with moments like the one I had at Starbucks? How do you help friends or yourself through?
If any of this resonates with you, then I invite you to dive right into this episode!
Links mentioned: https://shetakesontheworld.com/ (Natalie MacNeil-meditation, relaxation resources)
If you love it and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! And if you really love the episode and want to join my community of motivating women, join my Facebook Community called Habit Builder’s Society. All links to keep in touch with me are below!
Habit Builder’s Society all Women’s FB
Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/588076478229727/?ref=bookmarks

Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
All or Something Living Introduction
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
I’ve finally decided to start a podcast! It’s something I’ve been putting off for a really long time, until I heard this episode from the Alison Show and realized I’ve been putting it off for many reasons I discuss in the episode! I learned how much we put off the opportunities that are right in front of us, and I decided it’s time to feel the fear and do it anyway!
This episode includes an introduction to me...which includes my life in Sin City (which may not be what you think!), some of the biggest challenges I’ve faced and am facing today, how I met my fiance (hint: It wasn’t in the United States), and what brought me into the world of online coaching.
During the second half of the episode, I dive into my coaching philosophy of All or Something Living. This is a concept I developed after experiencing the extremes of diets and the bodybuilding lifestyle. I had suffered from a 15 year long eating disorder (that I didn’t even know I had, because I didn’t know it existed), and severe body dysmorphia. I got to a point where my hormones were all over the place, my mood swings were out of control, I was isolating myself, and my eating disorder was worse than ever.
I knew I had to find another way, and that’s when I left my pre-nutrition studies at UNLV and attended an online health coaching school called the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. During the year I studied at IIN, I healed my relationship to food and my body, and experienced a major life transformation. A huge part of that transformation included listening to tons and tons of podcasts, and educating myself on Intuitive Eating, Health at Every Size, and body positivity.
My mission is to inspire others-especially women-to drop the perfectionist mentality, and learn to accept themselves as they are right now, so they can become who they really want to be.
If you’re reading this, and you struggle to love and accept yourself, especially your body...this podcast is for you! As we dive deeper into the episodes, I’ll help you explore the grey areas of health that not many people are talking about. The grey areas not only give you permission to be the human that you are...but they also help you to understand that life isn’t black and white. There isn’t always a right answer, or a right way of doing things. Everyone gets to choose their own path. What an empowering thought!
If any of this resonates with you, then I invite you to dive right into this episode!
If you love it and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! And if you really love the episode and want to join my community of motivating women, join my Facebook Community called Habit Builder’s Society. All links to keep in touch with me are below!
Habit Builder’s Society all Women’s FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/588076478229727/?ref=bookmarks