We all need a friend we can talk to about anything. But it’s not always easy to find people who are willing to open up about pretty much anything. Allow me to be that friend. This is a podcast where no topic is off-limits, and we swap judgment for aiming to understand and relate to each other. Let’s just talk about life--the messy parts, and the pretty parts, and the in-between. We’ll talk self-love, mental health, relationships, body image, and so much more! Have a topic you wanna bring on? Pitch your idea to me over on Instagram @laurenmkendrick.

Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Ep. 18: The Real Truth About your Weight
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Do you feel like your weight holds you back?
Do you find yourself saying things like "when I'm in my ideal body, I'll go on that vacation...or go after that dream career...or wear a bikini confidently on the beach..." etc.?
In our society, weight seems to be the focal point for everything. We believe weight is the magic number that reveals whether or not someone is healthy, but more than that...we think our weight and the size of our bodies defines our worth.
We know this as "truth", and it's a norm to us...but is it really true???
In this episode, I explore the topic of weight and the role it truly does play in our worth and health. This is a topic that not a lot of people are talking about, so I definitely recommend listening in!
There is a way to stop battling your body while caring for your health. In fact (spoiler alert), the best way you can truly care for your body is to stop battling it, and instead start working with it.
At the end of the episode, I equip you with a few things you can focus on instead of just the phrase "I want to lose weight".
Here are a few links mentioned during the episode (some links mentioned may earn me a small commission, but that doesn't impact the price you pay):
Fix your Period Program with Nicole Jardim
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Go with your Gut: The Insider's Guide to Banishing the Bloat with 75 Digestion-Friendly Recipes
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:

Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Ep. 17: How to Turn Healthy Eating into a Sustainable Habit
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
In your mind, what does "healthy eating" look like?
For a lot of people it means cutting calories, controlling portion sizes, eating bland foods, and it's just not sexy. But what if healthy eating could mean eating the foods you love, having foods with lots of flavor, and never feeling guilty about your food choices?
Now that sounds a lot more appealing.
The only time I used to eat "healthy" was for weight loss purposes, and I didn't know any other way. I couldn't understand why people would choose to torture themselves for any other reason than to lose weight.
That was until I learned what healthy eating meant for me and my body. (Hint: It's not the restriction based approach we're used to). When I attended IIN for health coaching school and learned about bioindividuality...meaning what works for some doesn't always work for everyone...it changed everything.
Knowing that term helped me determine what my own version of healthy looked like. And instead of cutting out foods, I learned to add in vibrant, delicious, nutrient-filled foods. My point here? You can still be a foodie just like me, while enjoying a variety of foods and prioritizing health.
In this episode we'll discuss what most people think of healthy eating (including you), then I'll take you through some actionable tips to help you reframe your mindset around this concept so that you can begin implementing nutrient-rich foods on the regular...while you say goodbye to the food guilt and confusion you might be feeling right now.
Let's get to it!
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:

Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Ep. 16: How to Not Let Perfectionism Hold you Back
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Remember when we valued perfectionism? A really popular job interview tip has been to claim "perfectionism" as a weakness when the goal is to actually disguise it as a positive thing.
Except now we're realizing that perfectionism really can be a flaw.
I held back on even starting this podcast for years, because I wanted to wait until I had the time and resources to do it "perfectly". I compared my beginning to many other's middle, and it was paralyzing.
I thought I had gotten over my perfectionist tendencies until my boss was sitting with me at my desk one day and pointed out a book I had. She mentioned that she heard it was a good book, and I replied "I haven't read it yet. I feel guilty reading fiction books when I know I could be educating myself". She responded by saying that reading for pleasure is a great thing!
That conversation made me realize that I was often feeling guilty for relaxing, or doing something other than improving myself because I constantly had this sinking feeling of not being "enough".
For the past few months I've really been focusing on letting go of my perfectionist tendencies, and having this podcast has really helped with this!
In this episode I explain what perfectionism is, how it holds us back, how it helps us, plus some actionable tips on how you can move through your perfectionist ways and begin to accept your beautifully flawed self.
Dive right in and let me know your thoughts!
Here's an article shared during the episode: 9 Signs that you Might be a Perfectionist
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:

Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Ep. 15: Life Updates and an Important Conversation
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
I'm comin' atcha on New Year's Eve of 2018! I've got a few life updates, some exciting news, and I'll be sharing an important and impactful conversation I recently had with a friend during a trip in Big Bear.
This episode is a little different from most of my other episodes. It's more conversational, which leads me to ask... do you prefer the conversational episodes, the more informational episodes, or a mixture of both???
During this episode I'll cover:
- What I've been up to during the holidays
- Some big changes I'll be making in 2019
- A few things I'm proud of myself for in 2018
- An important conversation I recently had with a friend--I'm sharing because I think you might learn something from it!
Give it a listen, and let me know your thoughts!
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:

Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Ep. 14: New Year's Resolutions-Should you Partake?
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
It's that time of year again! Everyone is talking about what they're planning to accomplish next year.
But have we outsmarted New Year's Resolutions? So many of us start up with really ambitious goals and plans, only to fizzle out within the first few weeks of the year.
So is there even a point in setting a resolution?
I share my thoughts on this in this episode!
And while I believe you should be setting and achieving goals all year round, and not just the beginning of the year...I do think planning and envisioning the year ahead and can be really helpful. Be sure to grab my free worksheet on this at the end of this episode. Click here to get your copy!
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are a few more ways to keep in touch with me:

Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Ep. 13: How to Beat the Fear of Eating Too Much
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
There is so much conflicting information out there around meal times, portion control, and calorie counting.
How much should we eat? How often? How much is "too much"?
Not only that, but many of us have learned that we can't trust ourselves if we don't put a limit on the amount and type of food we eat.
I hear you on all of that. It wasn't until I learned that I can trust and listen to my body that I not only knew, but understood the answer to these questions. On top of that, I was able to actually put them into practice in my own life.
If you're feeling confused about how often to eat, how much to eat, or if you feel like you often eat past fullness and into discomfort, then you'll love this episode!
In the episode we'll discuss three important topics:
- Meal times (when and how often to eat)
- How to know when you're hungry, and how to know when to stop eating
- Portion sizing...how much should you be eating??
Dive on in!
I'd love to hear your thoughts and aha moments throughout the episode. Take a screenshot and post it to your IG stories, and tag me @laurenmkepler to show me you're listening!
This episode is sponsored by: The Eating for Health Masterclass
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Here are some other ways you can connect with me:

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Ep. 12: All you Need to Know about the Keto Diet
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Unless you’re living under a rock, I’m guessing you’ve heard of the keto diet. It’s all the rage right now, which still continues to shock me. I thought we’ve realized by now that diets don’t work, and people would recognize right away that this is just a fad, and we’ll move on from it soon...but we seem to be convinced that this is the “magical diet”, the solution we’ve been waiting for. Is that true, though? I don’t know! Let’s talk about it…
I originally wrote out a giant blog post about this, but never got around to publishing it. Sometimes I get nervous to reveal the other side of these mainstream trends. Mainly because they’re so widespread, and people take them as gospel...and I don’t want to be the party pooper who turns on the lights and uncovers the truth.
At the same time, I also want to be as neutral as possible in my approach, that way you know I’m not telling you how to live your life, but I am offering you options. And I share these things because they’re what I needed to hear when I was also on the diet train, and desperate to find the one diet, lifestyle, or way of eating that would change everything for me…
So let’s just get right into it, because we have a lot of ground to cover in this episode.
Here are some links mentioned in the episode (I am an Amazon affiliate, so I will receive a small commission if you purchase anything from these links):
- Food Psych Podcast
- Health at Every Size Book
- Intuitive Eating Book
- Body Kindness Book
- Body Positive Power Book
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Don't forget to grab yourself a copy of my Habit Building Kickstarter Guide!

Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Ep. 11: 5 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
STRESS. BEING BUSY. These are the types of words we’ve come to value in our society. And not value in a good way...we use these words as badges of honor. We think of them as the norm. When someone asks us “how have you been?” It’s become so automatic for us to say “ugh, so stressed” or “I’ve been so busy!”...and we forget that being busy, and being stressed, is a choice. We think it’s just a right of passage when we hit adulthood.
I’m here to tell you...you don’t have to suffer through your days, feeling like the world is caving in on you! There’s another way to experience your life, and the amount of stress and business you take on is your choice.
It wasn’t until I learned to understand, manage, and later on get in front of stress, that life began to flow with ease. A lot of times, people comment on how calm and centered I appear to be, especially in frantic moments. I have a few reasons for that, which I’ll share with you in today’s episode!
I’ve also created a de-stressing guide just for you, you can grab yourself a copy of that by following this link: Stress Reducing Toolkit
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Don't forget to grab yourself a copy of my Habit Building Kickstarter Guide!
You can also connect with me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en

Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Ep. 10: How to Get Back on Track After a Holiday
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
What's your bounce back plan after you experience a setback?
We all experience setbacks, and often. When it happens to you, do you quit and consider yourself a "failure"? Or do you learn something from it, and come back even stronger?
If setbacks leave you feeling paralyzed for weeks, or even months at a time...this is the episode for you!
I used to allow setbacks to hold me back from doing SO many things. I assumed that if I didn't accomplish something the first time, it must not be meant for me.
What about the times where we feel like we've got our sh** together, and then something happens to knock us onto our butts? A holiday throws us off balance, a death in the family, an injury, a bout of depression, a major life event...there are so many obstacles that have the ability to throw us off track.
So how will you get back on track, and re-focus quickly?
I've got 5 tips for you right here in this episode! So what are you waitin' for? Dive right in!
Links mentioned in the episode:
Rising Strong book by Brene Brown
I hope you enjoy this episode, and I can't wait to chat with you next week!
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Don't forget to grab yourself a copy of my Habit Building Kickstarter Guide!

Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Ep 9-How I Motivate Myself Everyday
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Motivation doesn't come easily... if it did, we'd all be running around killing our goals! But instead, we're scrambling around, trying to find out where the heck we can find some more of this motivation people keep talkin' about.
I've got some for ya!
In this episode, we'll cover my reflections that keep me motivated, focused, and on track every day. Try them out, make them your own, and watch your productivity (and more importantly, happiness) soar!
Don't forget to grab a copy of the worksheet to reference, and then be sure to tell me what it does for you :) Here it is!
And here's a few more links to awesome resources mentioned in the episode (if you haven't noticed yet, this one is jam packed!):
Here's where you can vote for my holiday singing contest entry!
The Law of Attraction Planner (I have the largest planner, in rose gold)
Brendon Burchard, High Performance Coach
Dare to Lead book by Brene Brown
I hope you enjoy this episode, and I can't wait to chat with you next week!
If you love this episode and you feel inspired to leave me a review, or share the podcast...I would love that so much! The podcast is also available on Itunes, Google Play, and Spotify...so be sure to subscribe if that's where you listen!
Don't forget to grab yourself a copy of my Habit Building Kickstarter Guide!
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmkepler/?hl=en